
My random Sh*t

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Bit-Shifting in C

i: ">>" on uint8_t ">>" on uint8_t ">>" on int8_t ">>" on int8_t
-12 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-11 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-10 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-9 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-8 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-7 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-6 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-5 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
-4 …


This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is This is …

Test the Pelican Static Site Generator

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 0

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 1

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 10

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 100

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 101

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …

Some Stuff 102

This is the first (test) post on my new website setup using pelican. You may ask, 'Carsten you had a Wordpress before, why did you switch?' and the answer is this: Wordpress is a typical 'LAMP-Stack' Software. This means you have to maintain Linux, Apatche, Mysql, PHP and WP ofcourse …